Youuuu win!
Mwaha, didn't except that ending x)
You successfully trapped me :D
Youuuu win!
Mwaha, didn't except that ending x)
You successfully trapped me :D
Well made
Your animation was so living, it's amazing ^^
But, I think you have a problem with the NG Flash API; cause no ads were running in x)
Deadly X-mas Ricky!
And have a warming event with your friends :D
Anyways, just discovering your series; and I have to say that I like it :)
So crazy, as Killer 7 ambiance.
So now you are in my fav!
You will be watched forever...
F34R @,@
From my rats: " We want some of this cake too, he can't eat this alone!"
Héhé, anyways, it's a nice present that you make for this little budy :)
elder gods can and should eat their entire cake alone.
I'm agree with the guy before, from all your anime, this is my prefered <3
Continue to feed us with your great talent myne lord =D
hi you ;)
happy to see that you doing another great movie ;) I'm waiting it with impatiente!
Still me !
Just for say that I love also the color version(don't ask my to do a choice,it's impossible! :p)Also for said to past a good time this week with her ;) and for finish you have give me the envy to create also a flash :D
and(yeah yeah it's the last :p)I will follow with interrest your next creation ;)
Thanks alot for the rev its always good to hear, thanks as well for the luck with her this weekend, should be here shortly its a jewish holiday so hopefully there isnt school there today...well shes russian but she can always lie thanks alot again.
Age 40, Male
Through universe
Joined on 10/11/04